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Tarhana +
  • Tarhana is among the indispensables of Thracian cuisine. It is indispensable especially for breakfast tables in the village life sustained by intensive labour. In the winter months, tarhana is the most desired soup for healing purposes. Tarhana soup, which is prepared in a thick consistency, finds a place on the table by chopping the stale bread into the bowl and pouring the soup on these breads; this presentation has almost turned into a kind of ritual in the serving of this soup and has become a cultural element.
  • Serving the soup sprinkled with sour cream (curd cheese) and offering pickles with the soup are also presentation features of the local cuisine. Especially sauerkraut goes very well with this soup.
  • Tarhana, also known as Tarhana pepper, is prepared for winter especially in Thracian village kitchens from the end of summer to the first months of autumn, when the fat red pepper or tomato pepper is at its ripest and most colourful.
  • Thracian tarhana is distinguished from other tarhana made in Anatolia in different ways by its colour, consistency and texture. In order to make this distinction, it is called "Thracian tarhana" or "Powder tarhana". The prepared tarhana is stored in cloth bags in a cool place away from direct sunlight to keep it away from moisture.