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Yahya Bey Mosque and Treasury +

It was built on a sloping land from south to north. The courtyard of the building, which faces the road on the east side, surrounds the north, south and west. The courtyard entrance is at the north end of the east wall. To the south of the harim, there is a small haziresi. On the east and west facades of the harim, three windows were opened, two at the bottom and one at the top. There are two windows in two rows on the south facade. The pointed arched pediments of the windows with corner jambs and iron bars are filled with bricks. The southeast corner of the mosque is chamfered. The lead-covered dome rests on a dodecagonal pulley. At the northern end of the eastern façade of the harim, the stubby minaret rests on a five-sided pedestal against the body wall. The upper and lower heads of the body have a wiping belt. The base is filled with prismatic triangles. The last congregation place is wooden. The crown door is placed on the left side of the façade, and a windowed mihrab with a muqarnas miter is placed in the center of the façade. The crown door and the mihrab are slightly protruding from the body wall. The flat arched opening of the crown door is enclosed in a pointed arched slot and framed by a border belt. There is a construction inscription on the flat arch.

When the door is viewed from the inside, an eyebrow arch is seen above the wooden wings in the deep pointed arch. The minaret door is also located in this corner of the harim. The walls of the harim are unplastered. The dome and window arches can be seen. The transition to the dome is provided with pendants. A niche is left in the middle of the side facades.

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