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Town Hall +

It consists of a basement, ground floor and one storey. There is a 80 cm. white stone-coloured water basin rising from the ground. Entrance to the building is through a large white painted metal door. The building is located in a large garden. Entrance to the building is through a wooden double-leaf door. The building is moulded and overhanging between the floors and at the roof parapet level. The mouldings at the roof parapet level are carried by hand shaped feet. The corners of the building are made prominent with white stone moulding. The windows have round arches, rectangular forms and wooden sashes. On both sides of the windows there are columns with protruding, pedestal, capitals and keystones. These columns are joined to form a frame above the windows. While the window arches on the upper floor are glass, the arches on the lower floor are deaf. Pink and white colours are used in the façade decorations. The front façade has a balcony above the entrance.

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