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Taşlık (Mahmut Pasha) Mosque +

Located in a large garden, the mosque has a square plan and a dome resting on an octagonal pulley. The upper corners of the body walls built with cut stone are crossed by buttress arches between the towers and the dome. There are two windows in the lower windows of the qibla and side facades and three windows in the upper row. The vault covers of the three-eyed last congregation are surrounded by a shield wall that is not high. There is a window arranged in the form of a mihrab on both sides of the last congregation and a harim door in the middle. The door framed with mouldings has a marble jamb and a flat arch. The minaret placed in the western corner of the mosque has a base with chamfered corners with columns and a lug that provides transition to the hexagonal body with prismatic triangles. The square-planned harim has a simple appearance. Transitions to the dome are provided with pendants. The wooden mahfil and marble pulpit are new. The mihrab of the mihrab is in the form of a step and the muqarnas carving was left without being made.

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