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Nazır Fountain +

It is a square fountain built of cut stone material, with a single façade, a reservoir and a pyramidal stone roof covering the reservoir. The fountain, which has a square mass, is 3.71 metres high and 3.70 metres wide. The fountain is a very simple and niche-less square fountain, and except for the front façade, the other façades are kept simple. There are no ornamental elements in the fountain.
There is some information about the fountain in written sources. A. Badi, who gives the most descriptive information on this subject, states that the fountain was built by Aydınlı Mehmet Bey. This person was a kadi in Edirne during the reign of Sultan Murad III and had this fountain built in H.933 / M.1585. A. Badi also states that Kenkırı Abdullah Efendi Zade Mevlana Salih Efendi, who was a kadi in Edirne in H. 1279 / M. 1862, had this fountain repaired for his daughter Zeliha Kamile Hanım, who died in those years, due to reasons such as the waterways being ruined and the fountain not flowing. At the same time, the grave of Muzaffer Pasha, the Conqueror and Protector of Cyprus Mogosa, is adjacent to this fountain.

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