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Kuşçu (Kuş) Dogan Mosque +

Located in a small garden, the building also has a treasury. It is made of cut stone with a single dome and minaret on tromps. It is located on the body walls. The lower row windows are irregularly placed. Each of the east, west and south facades of the harim has a total of four window openings, one at the bottom, two in the second row and one in the pulley. The rectangular lower row windows have pointed arched pediments. The upper row windows have pointed arches. The lower row windows are placed in rectangular shaped depressions. The lower row windows are molded and the second row windows are plain. The minaret is at the northern end of the western façade of the harim. The rectangular pulpit rests on a rectangular pedestal with the northwest corner cut off. The entrance to the minaret is through the harim. There are rectangular depressions on the three visible faces of the pulpit. The high pabuç consists of a triangular belt. The upper and lower parts of the hexagonal body of the minaret have a bracelet with a slate wiping. There is a window at the east end of the north wall of the harim, the harim entrance at the west end, and the outer mihrab in the middle. The outer mihrab niche with a half octagonal plan is covered with a muqarnas.

The outer mihrab is enclosed in a rectangular depression framed by a series of molding. At the west end of the north façade, there is a flat arched entrance door placed in a pointed arched depression. The inscription on the entrance area is empty. In the harim, a dome is formed from a square body.

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