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Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling +


There are many rumors about Kırkpınar oil wrestling. The most widespread of these is as follows; during the conquest of Rumelia, Suleyman Pasha, the brother of Orhan Gazi, captured several castles along with Domuzhisarı Castle with 40 soldiers. While this troop was returning, they had a wrestling match during their stopover in Samona, which is within the borders of Greece today. Two of them could not win.  Then the two wrestlers wrestle again on a Hıdırellez day (May 6). The wrestling starts early in the morning and lasts until the death of the two wrestlers at midnight.  They are buried under a fig tree there by their friends. Years later, when their friends come to the same place again, they see clean and lush springs flowing where their two wrestler friends are buried. Thereupon, the place is named "Kırkpınar" and thus the tradition of Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling begins.

After the proclamation of the Republic, the wrestling is held in the Sarayiçi region of Edirne.

Organized since the conquest of Edirne in 1361, Kırkpınar has a history of 700 years.

The winner of the traditional wrestling receives the title of "Başpehlivan". 

Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling was recognized as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2010.

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