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Kel Aliço Oil Wrestling +

Kel Aliço Oil Wrestling

Kel Aliço Oil Wrestling or Kel Aliço Pehlivan Oil Wrestling is a Turkish oil wrestling tournament organized in the Ipsala district of Edirne in memory of the legendary oil wrestler Kel Aliço. The wrestling tournaments started to be organized in Aliçopehlivan village of Ipsala district in 1950-1960s under the name of fair festivals and in 1980-90s with the efforts of the village headman.

Since 2003, it has been tried to be made traditional with the support of Ipsala District Governorship, Edirne Governorship and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Since 2008, the activities have started to be organized within the Ipsala Kel Aliço Phlivan Promotion and Sustenance Association.

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