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Gazi Mihal Bey Bath +

Gazi Mihal Bey Bath, which is a double bath, covers a rectangular area close to a square measuring 23 x 22.50 m. It is known that the men's locker room, which has been completely demolished today, covers a larger area. The walls consisting of cut stone and brick materials preserve their original state. Between two, three rows of brick beams, one row of uniform cut stones are cased with bricks placed vertically. In the centre of the eastern façade is the entrance door of the women's section in a pointed arched niche. The pulleys of the brick domes forming the upper cover on the body walls terminated with flat brick mouldings are also covered with cased cut stones. Compared to the women's section, the men's section was kept 3/4 larger and the space separation of both sections was divided into complementary cells within each other. The small vaulted corridor behind the small entrance door on the east façade leads to a narrow corridor in the north and a small cell covered with a barrel vault.

It is understood that the 7 m. long barrel vaulted cell to the west of this cell, which is sandwiched between the two sections, was the men's toilets. The main dome covering the soğukluk attracts attention with its rich mukarnas decorations and malakari plasters. The temperature door, which is passed through the western edge of the cold cell, has a pointed arch. The space expanded with two iwans in the north and south directions is covered with a full dome in the center and half domes in the iwans. Four round skylights were left on the sides between each corner. The illumination of the bath was strengthened with a lantern in the center of the dome. There are private halvet cells on the western edge of the warmth. The area behind the entrance door of the women's section is covered with a brick dome. The cells on the eastern and western sides of this cell form the hot section. These cells in the east and west have rectangular plans.

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